Dear Freshman Self,
Congratulations! Today is your day! You're off to great places! You're off and away. Ok, so a little cheesy starting out with your favorite Dr. Seuss line, but what can I say? You got home from camp a mere few days ago and have been stuck in the midst of unpacking and repacking everything to embark on a new journey: college. Excited yet? (You should be). You may think you know what all is going to happen in the next few years, but oh boy let me tell you that you sure don't. It's going to be one heck of a roller coaster ride-a fun one I promise-so buckle your seatbelt and hold on. I mean, you already are buckled into barely a half-seat in the back of mom's car but don't fret because bigger and better days are ahead.
I want you to know that regardless of how things play out, everything is going to be okay in the end. I don't want to spoil anything for you just yet, but let me give you a hint. You are going to change your major next semester and it's okay. You're going to change your minor and pick up another one and it's okay. In fact, it's going to be more than okay because I want you to breathe knowing that when you walk across that stage in 4 years you are going to have a future. You may not know what that means or entails just yet, but again, it's okay. You're off to a great start, freshman self, you have a good academic advisor and are going to have a great class schedule (done with class at noon three days a week? sign me up!) and an even better exam schedule (woohoo done in 2 days!) and you're actually going to enjoy your classes this semester. After all, that's what you're here for!
You're going to meet all kinds of people, and at times it is going to feel like everyone is either from South Florida, New York, New Jersey or Chicago. Plot twist, not everyone is from there and you're actually going to meet some cool people from those places among others. I know you're excited about the prospect of having a roommate and living on a dorm floor with a bunch of girls your own age and it's exciting, but don't stress if your first roommate doesn't necessarily work out. It won't be your fault or hers necessarily, but you're going to blame yourself repeatedly and probably not even realize what good the situation is doing for you. You're going to live with all kinds of people; people who are just like you and people who you have nothing in common with. Enjoy getting to know all of them. See it as something intentional; living with someone probably teaches you more about yourself than anything else you will do in college. Just keep cool and be yourself and learn from the experience.
You're going to join all kinds of organizations. They probably seem really intimidating (because they are), but those seniors talking at orientation actually know what they're talking about and want you to have a good time. Don't feel the sudden need to sign up for everything at one time, and don't feel obligated to talk to everyone at CaneFest. It's going to take some time, but you're going to find your place and your involvements and you're going to love them just as much as you love your classes. Opportunities come out of nowhere, freshman self, and you've gotta just take them and run. You're going to apply for positions that you get and love, and you're going to be rejected occasionally. It happens; it's a fact of life. Don't stress because you're going to have a great resume that's going to help you get to where you want to go next. You have so much going for you that you don't even realize. Just remember to take it one day at a time and enjoy yourself.
On that note, enjoy your first semester. I know you're super excited to join a sorority, but you have got to enjoy every moment. Regardless of your checking the Panhellenic Facebook page because you're too scared to "like" it until recruitment, you're not going to miss the sign up for recruitment (you're going to be the first one regardless). And when recruitment rolls around, just remember who you are and stay true to yourself. You're going to join the sorority that you weren't sure about at first and end up loving; if only you could see yourself now. It may not have been where you thought you would end up, but trust me, it will bring you everything and more. Your experience will not be fairytale, and it definitely will have its ups and downs, but you're going to love it. Don't stress if you don't get a leadership position in it right away, for there are always bigger and better opportunities around the next corner.
It's going to take time, freshman self, but at some point campus is going to feel less like a campus and more like a home. I know the construction project by the lake is loud and you still don't really know what the Rat is supposed to feel like because of its temporary location, but as soon as that building is finished you're going to spend every waking minute there. It is where you're going to meet people who inspire you to push the boundaries of your comfort zone during a student organization meeting or spend your Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays studying for statistics next fall. Don't get weirded out when the Starbucks people have your order memorized, and don't get frustrated when they never can spell your name out right. It's the little things that happen in that building that will transform it from just another building on campus to a second home.
Take advantage of anything and everything that gets thrown your way. As much as you think you're going to hate it, you're going to campaign for three different student government tickets and get involved later down the line. Go to the gym as much as you can. It's so centrally located that you really don't have a reason not to go and it will regularly help you relax. People will call you crazy for going at the early hours of the morning before class but, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Get out of your comfort zone. Engage in conversations with the people you might be afraid of; spoiler alert, they're going to become some of your best friends and greatest connections later on. Talk to your advisor, find a faculty mentor, ask the difficult questions and search for the answers. You never know who is going to help you with a job or internship or opportunity down the line. And never-and I mean never-say never or no to something without knowing what it entails. You may just be in line for what could be a great experience or friendship.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, freshman self. Remember, you're still in school which means you're still learning. You're going to need to learn to brush them off and learn from them. That's what happens when you have the courage to take risks and try something new. You might succeed with flying colors, but for all you know you might fail. And that's okay. If you know everything already, what would your point even be in choosing to go to college? And on that note, don't be afraid to fail. It may not seem like it at the time, but everything works out in the end and happens for a reason. The Freedom of Speech class junior year is going to kick your butt, but you'll make up for it with a fun class the next semester and it will all be great.
I know you're probably overwhelmed by it all, and there are so many other great lessons and things I could tell you now but I'm just going to make you wait. At the end of the day, college is going to be great because you made it great for yourself. Sure, you're going to have a couple of regrets here or there, but the experience is going to be incredible. It's exciting and demanding and it will make you sick at times and make you question what's really important and teach you the importance of sleep and everything in between. All that you decide to do is a result of the choices you make, so make them with confidence and push forward. After all, that's how you made your college decision a few months ago.
You're going to love it here, freshman self. There will be times that you want to transfer and someone will come around and change your mind (so thank them profusely). Spoiler alert: you're actually going to finish all four years here and graduate on time and it's all going to be alright. The days are going to go by fast and on one of them you'll sit on the steps by the lake with beautiful weather and an even more beautiful view and wonder what you did to deserve the college experience you had.
Have fun & go 'canes!
Senior Self
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