Preserving Memories: The College T-Shirt Quilt (part 1)

Friday, May 20, 2016

Rather than explain how unpacking is going, here are some pictures documenting the current state of affairs:

Yes, that's right.  If the title or pictures didn't give it away enough, I am currently in the midst of selecting t-shirts for my very own college t-shirt quilt.  I knew when I arrived at UM that I would get plenty of free (and purchased) shirts, but I never knew how many that would be until I had bags on bags of them when I was moving out this year on top of drawers full of them at home.  Thus, the past week or so has been spent pulling my favorite t-shirts and tank tops to be "upcycled" as it is called and used in something new.  I'm so excited.  We picked our vendor today and have been in contact with her about miscellaneous details, and the shirts will go out to her on Monday!  I cannot wait to have my own custom quilt for my apartment next year to remind me of all the fun I had in college; there will be a wide assortment of shirts, from sorority events to free ones from school to Homecoming committee special shirts and more. 

More to come as the quilting process has just commenced.  In the meantime, have you made a special t-shirt quilt for yourself or someone else before?  Share in the comments below!

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