The End of an Era

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Yesterday, my "little" brother graduated from high school.  It was quite the special occasion, surrounded by friends and family, but I got to thinking that it wasn't just a celebration of the end of high school.  You see, my brother is the youngest child in our little family of four, and his graduation marks the end of an era for us.  No more are the days of carpool lines (although that ended with driver's licenses), after school sports practices, AP exams, PTA meetings, football games, cross country meets, chorus concerts, dress codes, etc.  Soon enough my parents will become what are commonly referred to as "empty nesters," but I beg to differ on that terminology.  The "nest" is not so much as empty as it is changed.  Sure, we won't necessarily be living here anymore (after this summer at least), but what my parents managed to do growing up was create a home full of love, life and laughter.  They instilled values that we hold true to our hearts today, and those never leave or disappear.  The nest is alive and well and still full of those values, and will still be even if we don't live in our childhood home anymore.  His graduation is a celebration of our lives up until this point as well as the "commencement" of our new lives beyond school years.

Congratulations, bro.  I-and the whole family for that matter-am so very proud of you.


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