Friday, June 24, 2016

Happy, happy Friday!  It's been another great summer week in Jacksonville that started off with a fun Father's Day celebration for my dad.  Summer is easily one of my favorite times of the year because it is (mostly) sunny outside, which gives enough reason to spend some time outside.  Of course, the Florida heat can sometimes make it unbearable, which is why it is so nice to have a pool as an option for cooling off.  That is, when the pool temperature is not warmer than the outside air.  Other than that, I've been keeping myself busy in the meantime with work, frequent visits to the gym and apartment shopping.  I am moving to DC in just about 2 months, and I am getting more excited each day.  My new bedroom sheets even arrived yesterday and I spent a good few minutes marveling at how much I already love my room even if I haven't moved in bought furniture yet.

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Sick of your same old brownie mix? Try one of these to add some variety to your baking routine.
On a scale of one to America, one of these will help you feel free on July 4th.
Have you seen this girl's audition for America's Got Talent?  Absolutely inspiring.
I've always been a fan of Evelyn Henson, and her spring/summer collection is without a doubt one of her best. 
Check out this great read that I got for my birthday (& love)!
Please please please help me decide which of these planners I should get for school.

Happy weekend!

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