A Few Things Happened This Weekend

Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy Monday!  While most of my friends are heading back to school and/or starting new jobs, I have about two weeks (actually: 12 days) until I leave for DC to move into my new apartment and get started with graduate school.  In light of this shocking statistic, this was quite the wonderful weekend, with some special "achievements" per se...


I finished the 1st Place Sports Tour de Pain!!!  It was an absolutely amazing experience.  Thank goodness for a rainstorm (the only time I'll ever praise rain is when it comes to running) that dropped the temperature by 20 degrees and made the 4 mile beach run much more enjoyable.  Also, the 5K and 1 mile races went well thanks to the intense conditioning plan I made for myself back at the beginning of July.  Over the course of 2 years running long distance I have upped my long run pace by about 45 seconds, which allowed me to complete the courses around the times that I desired.  The medal at the end was pretty great, too!

I finally finished the Harry Potter series!!!  3 books [comprising some ~2200 pages] took me just under a week to finish, and I am so excited that my recent trip to Universal inspired me to undertake this task.  I finally understand the symbols and stories that people have been talking about and can now enjoy all of the movies considering I have read all of the material (Sorcerer's Stone is still my favorite of the movies & books, though, circa 2002 when I started reading them in 3rd grade).  I have decided to take a break and not read Cursed Child yet because I need to focus on packing & moving & getting ready for grad school first.  But, I am sure that it will be in my hands sometime in the near future.  Then again, since it isn't fully written by JKR, I may take a pass (but who really knows?). 

All in all it was a great weekend and an even better start to my final week at work!  The next couple of weeks are going to be hectic with getting ready to leave, but I am happy to have had some time for myself before all the madness really begins.

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