FriYAY || Race Day!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Happy FriYAY // Race Day // Best Day of the Week to you!  It's been busy here at home; finishing up my summer internship/job work, attempting to start the packing process for DC, buying furniture and of course, indulging in a little summer reading & movie watching.  Tonight starts the 904 Tour de Pain challenge, a race series which I have been training all month for, and I am excited to get started with that.  And, well, who wouldn't love a 4-mile run along the beach?  Finding stuff "on my radar" took an unexpected turn this week because I fell victim to targeted advertising on social media as well as a sudden Harry Potter interest just as the "8th book" was released.  BUT there's still some interesting stuff out there, so let's take a peek:

This book came out this week; I'm not reading it until I finish the ones I own. What do you think?

When someone asks me how the end of summer is going...this video sums it up nicely.

I nearly cried when I learned about this museum...can I apparate there please???

IDC who you are; this interview is life-changing.

This store. It's like WalMart // Costco for furniture. Literal life-saver & source of my new desk chair.

I nearly died when I saw this video...HAPPY OLYMPICS!!!

In honor of the Olympics, check out my new, cool (gymnast-designed) socks!

And as a new feature for FriYAY, I will find a **personal** picture that matches a funny movie/video/meme quote that I find each week.  Comment where you think this came from:

"Why is it that when something happens it is always you three?"..."Believe me, I've been asking myself the same question for __ years."

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