FriYAY // Hasta La Vista

Friday, August 19, 2016

If there is a perfect time to be excited about moving to Washington, DC then I think I am there.  Today is my last day at home for a while, and the excitement is looming around me.  Every last second these past few days has been considered with respect to the move, particularly in terms of packing the last of my clothes and personal items.  I have also come to terms with it being my final week in Jacksonville by doing many things for the "last time" for the foreseeable future and spending more time with my family (hence why I ended my internship a week early!).  I have been anxiously awaiting this coming week since I committed to GW and found my apartment, and I do not think it will "hit" me until I am there, moving in and going to my first day of classes.  In light of the big move, everything "on my radar" this week is related to America, DC or grad school in some way, shape or form.  So, here goes...

A great blog post about fun things to do on the weekend.

32 reasons a 20-something would like where I am moving.

Great tips for the popular grocery store that we have on campus.

I think I may have found the next best ice cream shop to what we had in Miami...

Talk about a class act representing our country in Rio.

Who says you can't do fun things when it's not summer?

How cool is this?  Makes me want to run faster!

IDK. The name of this blog makes me feel so uncreative. But it's also pretty helpful!

Happy Weekending!  And see ya next time in DC!

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