Friday, August 12, 2016

I wish I had a better excuse as to why I went so long without posting this week; I wish I could say something like I was on a fabulous vacation or spending time with friends at the beach, but in reality I spent much of the first half of the week packing. And packing. And more packing.  And as of yesterday afternoon, all most of my stuff is packed tightly in a POD (thanks, Mom!) and making its way towards DC for the big move.  And if anyone's been paying attention...I leave NEXT WEEK (cue excitement and jitters) and move in a couple of days later.  I've been seeing so many of my friends start their post-grad or continue their undergrad studies, as well as others starting their first jobs, but thank goodness for the DC school calendar because I get a couple of extra weeks of summer!  And now that my internship is over, I have a full week at home to relax and enjoy spending time with my family before things get hectic again.  With that, here is what's been on my radar in the times that I wasn't packing (p.s. it's all Olympics b/c Rio):

I went to high school with this kid...recognize the name?

Yesterday was a great day for girls named Simone from Texas: one & two.

A gold medal to go with her golden key...this Kappa & Team USA athlete has inspired the nation.

An inspiration to all 22-year-olds out there...she's one of my favorite Olympians.

This is literally one of the most amusing things I have ever seen. 

I'm sorry, but how in the world can anybody do this, let alone medal in it?

Happy Weekending!  Keep it up, USA!

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