The Final Countdown

Monday, August 15, 2016

It's begun.  I have five days left in Jacksonville before flying up to DC this weekend, 1 week until I move into my new apartment, 10 days until orientation begins and just a little over 2 weeks until classes begin (they start on a Monday but I actually start on a Tuesday!).  Meanwhile, the back-to-school mindset has already struck, as I ferociously started filling in dates in my new planner this past weekend and creating to-do lists with more than enough things to do before I can even think about packing my suitcase.  I've got so many lists that I've even categorized them as below:

Want to Do: last meals at home and my favorite restaurants here, visit my favorite stores one last time for fall clothes, finish the *special* lemonade I bought at the beginning of the summer, decorate my new planner, visit my home gym one last time, find more dinner recipes, watch Olympic gymnastics, watch Olympic beach volleyball...

Need to Do: appointments on appointments, wait on hold call cable & internet people, pack the rest of my clothes that aren't sitting in the pod, sign up for next half marathon, order textbooks, make list for items we need to buy in DC, condense the amount of jewelry I own, finish the iced coffee I have sitting in the refrigerator, schedule blog posts for the next week or two...

Already Done: finish Harry Potter & the Cursed Child (interesting read, by the way; highly recommend), one last visit to the Riverside Arts Market, devise a new half marathon training plan, buy last-minute cosmetic & toiletry items, eat a unique dessert from RAM...

"Gimme, Gimme S'More": 2 chocolate chip cookies sandwiching 2 graham crackers, melted chocolate and marshmallow fluff.  All courtesy of my most recent visit to the Riverside Arts Market.
And that's only the beginning of it all.  I'm sure that the approaching school year will leave me with even more endless to-do lists, a far cry from the pretty relaxed summer that I have had at home.  In the meantime, it's time to get back to my somewhat chill last week at home before I get to live out the madness that is going on in my head.  Happy Monday!

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