Choices & Abilities

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I always update my quote books when something big is about to happen or is happening already: working at summer camp, going to college, studying abroad, and now, going to graduate school.  I found this one this past weekend and redesigned it into something that I love and felt fit in nicely with the content on my blog:

This one hits home for me in many ways this week.  For one, I have already mentioned that I just finished reading all of the Harry Potter books this summer, including the newest one, and realized that they are as just as good (if not better) being read as a young adult vs. a child.  Second, I have also already mentioned that it is my last week at home before I embark on a somewhat scary & unknown new chapter in my life.  But, what is most significant here to me is the fact that this quote is spot on with how I feel about the first year of graduate school.  You see, I did not major in Speech-Language Pathology in undergrad, having some to my school as an Elementary Education student.  While I enjoyed the classes, I did not get the sense that it was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and started switching gears to my new major of Human & Social Development.  Now, as I embark on my new three-year educational journey, I am starting out knowing little to nothing about the field.  Yes, two summers ago I had a wonderful internship that introduced me to the field, but I still don't have the academic foundation yet.  That is why I am pursuing the three-year track, otherwise known as the post-baccalaureate year.  This was a challenging choice.  In any case, I could have switched my major to something that would have gotten me a job right out of school or a different graduate program where I could develop my studies in something I already knew.  Rather, I have made a choice to not focus on ability but rather finding myself and what I truly want to do in my career.  I absolutely love this quote because it allows for both immediate and deep self-reflection while telling us that there is more to life than we already know.

Happy Tuesday!

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