Inspirational Quotes: Dream & Live

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I have to admit, I fell in love with this quote from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone that I wanted to make a graphic for it but didn't quite know how to go about interpreting it.  Then, after this weekend I knew exactly how I wanted to do it, all with a little help from my friends.

For those of you who don't know/remember or do, Harry is looking into the Mirror of Erised when headmaster Professor Dumbledore arrives.  The mirror, proven to show our deepest desires and wishes, causes Harry an interesting mix of emotions, for the one thing he truly desires is to know his deceased parents.  It took me some time to think about what I would want to see in the Mirror of Erised, for there are many things that I desire and feel that I could use for some fulfillment.  At the same time, though, I often restrain myself from thinking too deeply about this (or my deepest desires) primarily because I want to live in the moment and enjoy everything that is coming my way.  And then I see this quote come to fruition in regards to my own life.  To dwell, or linger over; or ponder in thought, can often restrain us from seeing what is really there and what matters in our lives.  Right now I can say that I am truly happy with my situation right now; I love my new city, I love my apartment, and after orientation I can say that I have certainly chosen the right graduate program.  To dwell on the dreams I had this time last year about going to a different school or the potential thoughts of missing my college friends only inhibits me from enjoying all that there is to come my way.  At the same time, however, these positive dreams I think can allow me to live.  When we remember to live, all those positive dreams are emphasized just as much, if not more, than those negative ones that we feel tend to hold us back.  Just as Harry feels inhibited by the loss of his parents, he is surrounded by people who provide him with a different sense of family to make up for the one he never knew.  It is up to us to see how these dreams affect us while still being able to live in the moment.  At least, that's what I think JK Rowling would think :)

More to come tomorrow on my first day of class || Happy Tuesday!

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