Monday, August 29, 2016

It's a big day.  A really, really big day.  And how do you capture the excitement/emotions that go with a really, really big day?  With a new headshot of course...because nothing captures the excitement of a moment quite like a picture:

LDOS: Can you believe it is my last day of summer?  It feels like just yesterday I was starting MIA in the DMV after getting home from college graduation.  Now, almost 3.5 months later I am going to be back in the classroom tomorrow.  This summer was literally a whirlwind...getting home from graduation was overwhelming and I was almost instantly thrown into the craziness that is a summer internship at a nonprofit along with some part-time contract work for a family friend.  Free moments were spent apartment hunting, then furniture buying, leaving little room for relaxation here and there.  I traveled to Washington, DC and Fort Lauderdale and paid a visit to the satellite Hogsmeade Village in Orlando.  I ran a 3-race series and got in shape for my next half marathon.  And then before I could even blink, all of my stuff was packed in a pod and shipped to DC and here I am now.  The past few days have been more of an "in limbo" type of situation with it being orientation but not quite time for classes so I know hope that adjusting won't take too long.  So, here's to another great summer, with it's great experiences and memories that will provide the perfect foundation for a new school year.

FDOGS: On the other hand, can you believe that tomorrow is my first day of graduate school???  To think that I graduated college just a few months ago is mind-blowing, but starting graduate school?  Nuts.  I have been planning on going to graduate school since probably before I knew what it was, and even more so to become a speech-language pathologist since high school/early college days.  From orientation I can already tell that it is going to be drastically different from college, with people in my program ranging in age from 22 to early/mid thirties.  I have also attempted to start to get into the swing of things (key word: attempt) by doing some pre-reading for class on Tuesday and putting down key dates in my planner (hell-o fall break & thanksgiving....kidding....kinda).  It will definitely be weird going to class tomorrow and not really knowing anyone or walking into the familiar modern Miami buildings, but at the same time I am so excited to start this new chapter and plan to make it as great as I can.  With that, here's to another great school year, new experiences and new memories, and the foundation for the next 3 years until entering the workforce!

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