FriYAY || Peek @ My Week

Friday, November 18, 2016

Hey y'all!  Happy FriYAY!  I wouldn't go so far as to saying it was the worst week of my life/DC life, because it for sure wasn't, but at the same time it certainly wasn't ideal, mostly because I had more work to do this week than we have had all semester.  In fact, when it came time for me to write my regular weekly FriYAY post, I realized that I had zero items saved on my facebook account for the week that I would even want to consider sharing here so I had to start thinking of some other options...and succeeded.  After a rather hectic week that was very academically-centered, I thought I would follow some direction from another blog that I follow and show y'all what "a week in the life" is for me here in DC, with a couple of links and pictures thrown in there for good measure.  Without further adieu, here is a Peek @ My Week:

Fridays for me are usually my "bum around" days where I sleep in, work out in my building's gym, do laundry, yadda, yadda yadda.  Last Friday was no exception, except that in the afternoon I branched out of my "normal" weekend routine and went to get my eyebrows waxed before walking around the DuPont Circle area and popping into a couple of stores before heading home (it's been getting dark here SO early-as early as 4:45!).  That night, I met my uncle and one of my cousins in a fun new neighborhood for cocktails and ramen - SO yummy.  There's probably a million options for ramen here in DC, but this was my first experience and Haikan was awesome.  Then when I came home, my roommate had had a few people over so I joined them for dessert and conversation before turning in and (voluntarily) going to bed early.

Saturday started with a great 12-mile run on the Capital Crescent Trail.  I've been running here since mid-September, and it's an awesome trail with lots of nature views and hills.  It's also a weird concept for me to run into another state (the Maryland border is a few miles in), but it has also been such a fun way to start my weekends.  It was my last long run of half marathon training until the big day next week, and it went WAY better than planned.  As is tradition, I stopped by my favorite Georgetown shop on my way home, Baked & Wired, for a skinny vanilla iced latte and double chocolate cupcake.  That afternoon, once I was fully mobile, I went to my family's house here and watched the Miami-UVA game with my uncle and youngest cousin.  A "house divided," we called it, it was funny watching the game with opposing team fans because our reactions to the plays were different every time.  Miami ended up coming out on top & broke the 4-game home team win streak, and then we had great fun cheering against the team we were raised to oppose.  For dinner, we went to a cool place called Cava, which I would consider "chipotle for mediterranean food," before I went to the airport to pick up a family friend who stayed with me that night before going to a conference for work.

Sunday was spent the same way I usually do, with the exception that I went with our family friend to breakfast at my favorite coffee shop here before dropping her off at the bus stop for her conference.  Afterwards I went to the grocery store to stock up on a couple of items for my last full week in DC before Thanksgiving break, followed by a gym workout, some more laundry, and a whole lot of homework.  Sunday afternoon was the most productive I have been in a long time, but it was also incredibly overwhelming because I had to make so many to-do lists for everything that needed to get done...don't worry, everything did :)

Now here's where the week got interesting...kinda.  Monday I ran and did some work at home before going to do some clinical observation hours for one of my classes next semester.  Then, it was more work.  Tuesday I had a quiz in my first class, followed by a full day of classes, a quick run that night, and then a super late night of studying.  Wednesday I woke up early to do more studying, run, study more, and attempt to take a break at my coffee shop.  Sure enough, about 15 minutes after I got there, it started to unexpectedly rain, so I ended up staying for about 3 hours and getting a big chunk of studying done so I could take the night off.  Yesterday I woke up early to study some more, and had class all day-in the middle of which, if you couldn't tell, we had a HUGE exam in one of our classes-and left my last class with a sense of relief because we only have one day of class left before Thanksgiving break and NO TESTS (hallelujah).

Finally, last night instead of staying in and eating the eggless cookie dough that our grocery store started selling (& yes, it is amazing), I made the trek out across the border to Arlington, VA for a camp reunion.  I have mentioned it a bit here on the blog, but I grew up going to camp and even worked there for three years, and it has always held a place in my heart.  During the year, the director team pays visits to market areas where campers live and host "camp nights" to engage current and prospective campers, parents and alumni and update them on everything going on.  I was so excited to reunite with two of my counselor friends who I haven't seen in three years; we ended up going to dinner with two of the directors and talking for a few hours.  It was so nice to be able to make more connections with people my own age and find a new way to get involved/meet people here in DC.  Let's just say that it was exactly what I needed to end the week with.

This weekend I have a bunch of errands to run and things to take care of before heading home for break Tuesday after class.  I am really excited to be meeting with a college friend for lunch today as well as going to see the new Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them movie tonight.  Hopefully you enjoyed this "peek @ my week" - happy weekending, everyone!

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