Last February FriYAY

Friday, February 24, 2017

Holy. Moly. Y'all.  Where has 2017 gone?  Where has winter gone?  Like, seriously, I am so confused right now.  I always knew in the back of my head that spring semester goes by sooooo much faster than fall, but wow.  2 weeks until spring break?  Then we're halfway done with the second half of the first year of grad school?  Are you kidding me?  And then can someone PLEASE explain to me this weather pattern we are experiencing?  Don't get me wrong - record highs are always better in winter rather than summer (although summer doesn't really apply considering the combination of heat & humidity makes any temperature above 85 practically unbearable), but I am so confused still.  Like, it snowed last week.  Given, it was just for 30 minutes during one of my classes and we looked out the window and BAM! but since then some ungodly warm front has made its way here and I have mixed feelings about it.  Truth be told, I never actually thought I'd like winter weather, considering I spent the past 4 years in a postcard-spring-break-vacation-fantasy school, where the temperature it was yesterday (72) was considered cold and the temperature we had the other day (57) may have just been considered "arctic tundra."  But as it turns out, I absolutely love winter and have even spent some time reconsidering where I may want to relocate after grad school...but that is still some time away so we'll see how these next few years go.  I love it all.

All distractions and fantasies aside, this is going to be my last "chill" weekend before spring break because my teachers that give tests decided to be traditional [rather than trendy] this semester and schedule 2 exams and an in-class essay assignment the week before spring break.  WHO DOES THAT ANYMORE?  I remember last year having two papers due on the same day-the last Thursday before break for that matter-but it didn't really matter considering they were my only two academic classes due to having an internship for credit (s/o to school of ed for that one!).  So naturally I am going to hibernate & eat & run & try to do maybe one thing or two before thinking about hitting the books early so I am not so overloaded on anything.  And not that I'm counting...but there's officially 13 days until spring break, 15 days until my next half marathon, and 16 days until I peace out of DC for some family time.  Until then, take a peek at what's been on my radar lately...

Ya learn something new every a movie & learn 2, 3 or more.

Is it normal to want these for breakfast? Asking for a friend...

It's GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON...turn up, y'all, and don't just hide your thin mints.

In honor of my 11-mile run this weekend...things I literally laughed out loud about.

In honor of running, it's Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend! Good luck to all my fellow women running sistas (#actuallyshecan) and for those of you not running, here are three of my favorite inspirational videos to get you started:

In honor of Disney, I couldn't get over my excitement when I saw THE clip of all clips this week.

Also because I've been craving cookie cake for the longest time...

And finally, because this video made the comeback of all comebacks this week...LOL

Happy Weekending!

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