Summertime Schedule

Monday, June 6, 2016

One of the best parts about summer (at least for me) is the schedule that comes along with it.  Warm, sunny days followed by cool nights (when lucky) and a general "relaxed" feel that comes with it.  Whereas during the school year I typically dread Mondays, in summertime I do not mind the start of a new week because the schedule & vibe of it all is not nearly as draining.  Here's a glimpse into my "summertime schedule" and rationale why I don't face the "Monday blues":

7:15: Alarm 1 goes off; prepare body to wake up.
7:30: Alarm 2 goes off; check messages, facebook, email & read TheSkimm.
7:40: roll out of bed; do hair & makeup; get dressed.
8:10: go downstairs for breakfast (typically oatmeal & iced coffee).
8:25: back upstairs to brush my teeth & make sure I have everything I need for the day.
8:30: out the door for work while listening to my favorite pop & country music stations.
8:55: arrive at work; say hello to people in the office & receive task of the day.
10:30: break from task of the day (aka read blogs); eat mid-morning snack (Luna Bar).
12:00: pack up belongings, say goodbye & head out of the office
12:15: drop by mom's office to say hello on my way to the gym.
12:30: GYM (perfect time to go because it is quiet & I can do my thing in peace).
1:30: fill up water bottle & head home.
2:00: late lunch at home; check email; catch up with mom and/or brother.
3:00: shower & put on comfy clothes.
3:45: do task(s) for one of my freelance jobs, blog or apartment hunt.
6:00: watch Gilmore Girls or whatever is on TV; help mom make dinner.
7:00: dinner with the family.
8:00: post-dinner sweet treat (usually ice cream or frozen yogurt)
8:30: continue freelance job task(s), blog, apartment hunt, or watch Netflix.
11:00: gather materials & pick out outfit(s) for next day.
11:30 Bedtime!

Gotta be honest, I love my summertime schedule and don't mind Mondays because of it.  I intern/volunteer three days a week in the foundation office of a local nonprofit here at home and do freelance work for both another nonprofit as well as a family friend's business.  It all keeps me busy but still able to enjoy free time here and there; as the weather gets warmer (& once I nail down a place to live in DC) I hope to be able to use some of that free time in the middle of the day to spend time at the beach or pool and really get to enjoy what some would call #SummerVibes.

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