Skimm (no, not the milk)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

About a year ago I started reading theSkimm.  I had a lot of friends tell me about how much they loved it, and upon the recommendation of my mom, I subscribed to their emails and have been addicted ever since.  It's perfect for someone like me who doesn't have time to watch the news or just wants a basic knowledge of what's happening in the world on that exact day.  It's also been especially handy this election season, giving me all of the necessary updates in an email I can literally "skim" in a minute before getting out of bed in the morning.  One of my favorite features has been the "Skimm Your Candidate" section, as well as the interviews with top Skimm-ers on their Instagram.  While I have a ways to become a SkimmBassador (as they're called), I thought it would be fun to ask myself the daily interview questions.  So, here goes:

Name: Hannah Abel, IG: @_habel14

Job: Intern at a local nonprofit office in Jacksonville

What time do you wake up: Between 7:15 and 7:25am

How many times do you hit snooze: I don't, but I do set two alarms in the morning to prepare myself for waking up.  The first goes off at 7am, the second at 7:15.

Do you snore: No, but I have been known to mutter thoughts and/or grit my teeth.

What are three things you can't live without in the morning: Philosophy face wash, my Spotify Discover Weekly playlist & elf makeup primer.

Favorite line from theSkimm recently: "Candle: Short for 'can't handle.' It's the new 'I can't even.'

What's your morning drink: A green smoothie mixed with pineapple, banana and spinach. Sweet, fruity and healthy, it helps kick of the day fresh.

Who do you let speak to you before coffee smoothie: My family.

Complete the sentence. Woke up like this: already packed and ready for the day, just gotta get dressed and put my face on.

That's theSkimm in a nutshell.  Interested in pursuing it further or catching up on your daily news with an email M-F at 6:30am?  Wanna help me become a SkimmBassador?  Check out my personal link & subscribe today:

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