capture it, remember it

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sometimes, for no reason at all other than just wanting to capture a moment, I take pictures of my everyday things and edit them to make my life look more exciting than it really is.  I hope you enjoy this collection of 5 pictures (mostly of food) from the past week or so.  All photos are iPhone only and edited through VSCO.

Professor's Gate opens the main quad area of GW's campus; because the campus is quite literally in the heart of DC, there is very little green space when compared to a typical college campus.  I took this photo last Thursday after my 8am class because a) I thought it looked really pretty and photographable, b) it has a beautiful view of one of campus's most photographed spots as well as a building where I spend a lot of time (library) and c) it was a significant moment because it meant I had survived my first ever 8am class since high school.

When I'm not attentively learning subject material in the classroom, I am either studying away in the library or a new coffee shop.  Living off-campus has allowed me opportunities that I didn't necessarily think of when I lived on-campus as an undergrad; being able to visit coffee shops during the week is one of those.  This was a delicious Caffe Mocha at The Wydown coffee shop in the U Street area of DC, a fun place especially for younger residents.  I spent about 3 and a half hours here last Wednesday, sipping my coffee while working on homework for some of my classes and snacking on one of their delicious pastries (a blueberry muffin).  A recent blog I just read encouraged DC residents to expand their coffee experience beyond the doors of Starbucks because of all the unique options here, and The Wydown did not disappoint.

Contrary to what the first two pictures declare, I actually have some free time during the week to explore DC beyond the boundaries of my neighborhood.  I visited BTS: Burger, Tap & Shake with my roommate and some of her friends from her program last Friday.  BTS is known for their spiked milkshakes, and they were absolutely delicious.  I enjoyed a Bad Cubmaster while she downed an Oreo Speedwagon.  The restaurant was conveniently located just off of campus near the Foggy Bottom metro stop and right on Washington Circle.  While we did not get food because it was happy hour and we weren't all that hungry, I hope to stop by again for one of their gourmet burgers with what looked to be incredible sweet potato fries.

Ok, so despite what you may believe, I actually do more outside the realm of studying, drinking coffee and eating.  Last Friday I decided to check a museum off my bucket list and metro'd to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.  I absolutely loved it.  They are in the middle of renovating/updating a bunch of the exhibits, but I was able to check out some exhibits that I had found online.  If you go, I highly recommend checking out the section on American History & Pop Culture, The First Ladies of America and The American Presidency.  This photo was taken in the American Presidency exhibit, an exhibit that analyzes different aspects of the job; the street signs signify the fact that every president has a street named after him somewhere in the country, with the most being named after George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

So this pic probably doesn't help with the whole food thing...but boy, was it good.  On Saturday night, I went out with a bunch of my friends to check out the nightlife culture on U Street.  It was packed with people who wanted to check out the bars and clubs, or really just be with friends.  We spent some time at a bar called The Fainting Goat, which had some great drink specials and a lively atmosphere.  Upon realizing that none of us had had dinner, we walked next door to Jumbo Slice Pizza for, you guessed it, some seriously large & delicious pizza.  The cash-only restaurant specializes in ridiculously large (aka jumbo) slices of pizza for $6 each, leaving visitors struggling to eat it, let alone figure out how to eat it.  Don't worry, mom, I didn't finish my slice nor did I get close to finishing it, but boy did it make for a good time and a good story (#pepperflakes, anyone?).  It also introduced me to a world once unknown for which I can now thank my wonderful DC friends for welcoming me to.

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