Cheers to the Weekend

Monday, September 5, 2016

It might still be Labor Day Weekend (and the last "technical" day of summer) but it's Monday and I have class tomorrow so it's #backtothegrind for me (sad face).  Luckily, though, it was a really fun weekend here in DC that gave me enough good memories and happy feelings to start off a new week at school!

Friday, after sleeping in and working out, my roommate and I headed to Georgetown to check out the area and do a little bit of shopping.  As DC is one of the best foodie towns in America, we decided to indulge our sweet tooths/teeth and get a bite to eat.  And what place happened to have little to no line and is notoriously famous for their cupcakes...

If you didn't guess-or didn't know-we stopped at the famous Georgetown Cupcake!  As someone who watched the TLC show DC Cupcakes religiously as a child this was way up there on my to-do list and I am ecstatic to say that it did not disappoint.  It was the best red velvet cupcake that I have ever had, not to mention that the atmosphere was perfect.  I definitely want to go back and try as many as I can during the next few years that I have here.  I don't know if it's wrong to say that a cupcake changed my life, but I also don't want to be right if it is.

After shopping and cupcake-ing we went our separate ways to meet up with our friends for Jazz in the Sculpture Garden at the National Gallery of Art.  Another one of my good friends from college just moved here, so the "Miami crew" as you could call it met up in the park for sangria, music and good times.  It was the last one of the year because of the summer ending, but in just two months they convert the area into a big outdoor ice skating rink which we all said we wanted to end up doing at some point.  We were there with the masses through the most beautiful DC sunset and ending up walking a bit before stopping to get something for dinner-Chipotle, of course-and checking out each other's apartments.  We ended the night by meeting up with my roommate and watching Friends on Netflix.

Saturday was reserved for sleeping in (again!) and attempting to start my heavy load of homework and reading for class this week.  While that was the plan, it didn't help that Freeform was having a Harry Potter marathon, so we ended up watching that for a bit before actually starting to get work done; shame that there are so many commercial breaks because it makes a 2.5 hour movie into almost 4 hours.  That night, my roommate happily joined me in attending my first watch party for the UMiami DC Alumni group.  Can I tell you how happy I am that college football is back?  Not only that, but it was fun reconnecting with old friends from school, some of whom I didn't even know were in DC!  Miami basically killed FAMU (70-3 doesn't leave much room for a better explanation), and we stayed through the third quarter before heading home.  While I didn't get any good pics because of the lighting in the place where the party was, it is a tradition amongst UM students (and whoever, really) to "amp" up their profile pictures in honor of football season starting.  This pic below is my designated "gameday" profile picture; it's from Homecoming last year when I got to help "extinguish" the student section during my involvement on the Homecoming committee.

Sunday was by and large reserved for the daunting tasks: homework and laundry.  I have managed to create a cute little "reading nook" in my room thanks to all of the fun pillows that I got for my bed, and I spent about half my day in there reading and completing assignments for class tomorrow.  Periodic breaks were taken to do laundry and have a snack or two, but after a couple of classes worth of reading I decided to take a walk and "get lost" basically so I ended up with the masses at the White House!  A lot of people are in town for Labor Day apparently, and it was fun seeing lots of families with their kids seeing the monuments for the first time.  Not much later, I met up with my roommate at Target to do some apartment shopping.  We successfully built an end table for our living room that ended in zero casualties or swear words (yay!) before going back to doing more homework and reading.  By the end of last night I was so exhausted that I took a break to watch Deathly Hallows Part II and nearly fell asleep right at the very end.

Overall, it has been a wonderful weekend...I say "has been" because technically it's still going on but not really because #homeworkneverends.  Regardless, I am excited about the week ahead and already looking forward to next weekend as more of my college friends have just moved to the area and we are in the process of making some fun get-together plans for that.  Besides that, wish a happy birthday to my brother and have a great Labor Day!

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