The F Word

Saturday, September 24, 2016

This summer I was perusing the internet when I read an article that Washington, DC is the most physically fit city in America.  As a workout addict and self-proclaimed foodie this was both exciting and intimidating...especially because DC has some of the greatest restaurants in the world due to the fact that it is home to people from all over the world with vibrant cuisines as well as people like me who like to be a tourist in the city and pop into shops for donuts, ice cream and of course cupcakes.  So what "f word" was I thinking about when I started to write this post?  Nope, not the swear word, not the mock swear word or even the word "food."  Nope, what I was thinking about is my new favorite element of living in DC, and that, my friend, is FARMERS MARKETS.

Last Sunday my roommate and I took a bus to Dupont Circle and paid a visit to their weekly farmer's market.  We have a seasonal arts market during the weekends at home and had a "fresh market" of sorts every Wednesday at UM, but this was even better.  The Dupont Circle Freshfarm Market was reviewed as the best DC farmers market by the Washington City Paper, and from personal experience I can declare that it truly is the best.  We went around 9:30 Sunday morning and got there amidst the crowds of families with children in strollers, workout addicts coming from soul cycle, locals coming from brunch, and all the like.  We spent about an hour and a half browsing the different vendor booths, which had everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to dairy products and meats.  I brought a reusable tote bag that I filled with fresh eggs and apples as well as some of my favorite in-season fruits and vegetables for smoothies.  We even got the last available stalk of sunflowers to decorate the kitchen table!  Everything was so vibrant and colorful that I just had to play with the camera on my phone...check it out for yourself:

I loved this picture so much that I made it my phone shame :)

How cute are these little pumpkins? Just another reminder that fall is around the corner!

I definitely plan on coming back regularly to continue trying all of the in-season products and hopefully start my career as a food photographer...kidding...kind of.  Shouldn't be too hard because the market is every weekend of the year, including the middle of winter.  Hopefully this, along with my regular exercise routine of running 5 days a week molds me into that DC "fit foodie" that everyone seems to be here...wish me luck???

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