Fall Days || FriYAY!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Happy FriYAY and first Friday of fall, everyone!  It certainly doesn't feel like "fall" here just yet, with temperatures still in the low-mid 80s but thank goodness that we're getting a cool front this weekend that will drop these late summer temperatures to the 70s!  Maybe not "sweater weather" yet per se, but anything is better than still being super hot...check back in with me in about 4-5 months to see how I'm handling this whole "4 seasons thing."  On the bright side, though, with fall comes amazing things like pumpkin spice lattes (#basic), changing leaves, and if you haven't noticed already-a new FriYAY logo!  With our first big midterm test this week, and 3 class days in a row over the next few weeks with tests, I thought I needed something to pull me out of the "studying slump."  There are lots of fun "fall" things happening around here in the coming weeks and I am excited to be able to use them as a study break...next weekend especially...pics & stories to come!

With a hectic week of studying for exams and going to class and doing my first round of hours in the speech pathology clinic, there hasn't been much time for "internet surfing" so to speak...on the bright side, though, a few really exciting things popped up on my radar this week that I am super pumped to share with you...and with that, here they are!

My girl crush & favorite graphic designer released her new collection this week! Can I have everything please?

Despite all the studying I have to do, I am excited to take advantage of this opportunity this weekend!

Probably one of the most relatable Buzzfeed articles I have ever read.

I really, really, really want to make these!

I'm also super intrigued by this recipe...insert a nacho joke here.

Have I mentioned yet that I am excited for fall?

Hint hint at what I'm going to be doing next weekend...kind of.

I'll need something to celebrate the end of next week...this will do...so will this.

We have a fall section in our grocery store now...brb making all of these recipes now.

Happy Weekending from the DMV!

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