First Winter FriYAY

Friday, December 2, 2016

New season, new blog graphics - that's how it goes, right?  At least I had something getting me through this week.  Everything was all thrown off for me Monday when I woke up super early for a morning flight that put me back in DC before 10am and quickly readjusting to real world life before classes picked back up Tuesday.  Luckily, I made it through the week in one piece - the same shape piece, debatable, but one piece nevertheless - and survived an exam that I spent the bulk of the week studying for (and avoiding schoolwork for my other classes...whoops).  Huge shoutout to Starbucks Peppermint Mocha K-Cups, my college t-shirt blanket and a new sweet-smelling candle to get me through the meantime, though, this is my last free weekend before the wonderful stresses of finals kick in so I plan to soak up every free minute I well as catch up on sleep.  Until then, take a peek at what's been on my radar this week:

Ok so my birthday's not for 6 more months, but this cake will suffice for my half in 2 weeks.

A comfort food recipe to get you through finals or whatever stresses come your way this month.

I foresee this happening on a study break in the near future.

Sooooo happy for Ellen DeGeneres - I was a block from the White House when this whole shindig went down.

Anybody else a huge Gilmore Girls fan & still craving more from the show?
Any thoughts on those last 4 words?

Me now that it's legitimately cold here now & I'm anxiously awaiting snow.

Literally a Buzzfeed article that speaks to my soul.

Basically what I did while I was home for break...and what will happen again in 2.5 weeks.

May or may not have considered doing one of these as an April Fools Joke...too funny.

Only a tad obsessed with this movie (I'm reading the screenplay now) and the main actor in it :)

Happy Weekending, Everyone!

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