Day in the Life || Semester 2 (cont'd)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

HOORAY!!!  You (& I) made it through Monday - now the rest of the week should be smooth sailing, right (I certainly hope so)?!?!  Yesterday I gave you a peek at what a typical class day looks like for me - I know it was super thrilling - so much so that here's a peek at what I do on days that I DON'T have class; okay, so more specifically on Mondays & Wednesdays.  You see, this semester I am #blessed to only have class on Tuesdays & Thursdays but that also means that a lot can get squeezed into those two days, especially come midterms and finals.  But, at the same time, it does allow for maximum productivity during the week, because having three free workdays means being able to take advantage of time not otherwise used.  It also means that I can get other things done, too, like running errands or making dinners, etc.  Typically Monday and Wednesday are my two most productive days workwise, sometimes Friday depending on the week, with some work also getting done over the weekend if I am particularly busy with an upcoming exam/assignment.  With that, here is a peek at a typical Wednesday "hump day" for me:

7:15/7:30 - Wake Up & read theSkimm.
8:00/8:15 - Do a "double run" on the treadmill (aka a long run split into 2 short runs).
9:15/9:30 - Go upstairs, shower, have light breakfast.
10:30 - Do 1 class's worth of reading/homework/studying.
11:30 - Early lunch & make myself look presentable.
12:15 - Walk to my favorite study spot, Compass Coffee.
12:30 - Drink a NF Iced Butterscotch Latte & read/study/do whatever work has to get done.
5:00 - Pack up & walk home.
5:15 - Take a break from studying & relax for a bit.
6:00 - Reheat & eat leftovers for dinner.
7:00 - Continue whatever reading/studying needs to get done for the next day.
10:00 - Get school stuff together, put together lunch, prep for breakfast & pack backpack.
10:30 - Lights Out!

See?  Not so super exciting after all haha.  Oh well.  And considering I have my first big exam today & a quiz on Thursday (which have I started studying for yet...TBD), and because I am #addicted to these, here is an eCard which perfectly sums up my feelings about this day:

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