Day in the Life || Semester 2

Monday, February 6, 2017

Greetings, friends, and Happy Monday!  Idk about you but I am 100% on Team "make-the-day-after-the-super-bowl-a-national-holiday."  Did you have fun watching?  Did your team win?  Did you overload on food, and chicken wings, and beer?  Did you watch the commercials?  Preemptively I am writing this before said game so I actually have no clue who won or if the game was good (I'm assuming it was but you never know).  Besides the Super Bowl, did you have a good weekend?  Mine was a pretty typical no-frills event for me.  You see, I started off the semester with a nagging cold that probably came from going 0 MPH over 4 weeks of winter break to 100 MPH in a matter of 2-3 days.  I thought I was getting better and took all of the necessary remedies - chicken soup, hot liquids (s/o to Apple Cider for being da real MVP), lots of rest, etc. etc. but sure enough Thursday night I started feeling icky again and went to the doctor Friday morning only to find out that my cold had either turned into ANOTHER one or became a sinus infection...great, right?  So, besides going to spend some time with my DC family on Friday and Sunday afternoons and doing my annual weekly long run (while medicated of course), the weekend was basically spent either in bed or studying for an exam that I have tomorrow...the first of the semester...Neuroscience (insert reaction here).  Despite that, I wanted to give you a glimpse into a typical "day in the life" for me this semester, both a school day and weekday work day, because my, how schedules have changed and time been rearranged.  With that said, here goes a typical Tuesday for yours truly:

6:00 Wake Up - yep, usually the sun isn't even up yet & theSkimm hasn't arrived either.
6:10 - wash face, make bed, turn on hair straightener.
6:15 - make breakfast (usually oatmeal & iced coffee) & put together my pre-made lunch.
6:25 - do hair & makeup while drinking said coffee.
6:45 - eat oatmeal once cooled, check weather & read theSkimm.
7:10 - out the door, fully dressed, lunch packed & water bottle filled.
7:20/7:25 - board train at Metro Center Station.
7:40 - arrive at first class building, catch up with classmates in building lobby.
8:00 - Clinical Methods w/ Dr. C.
9:35 - Intro to Audiology w/ Dr. LJC.
10:50 - BREAK; usually I go to observe in the Speech Clinic or do work in the library.
12:30 - lunch either in library 1st floor or student center; catch up on reading/studying.
2:20 - Language Acquisition w/ Dr. T.
3:45 - Neuroanatomy w/ Dr. S.
5:00 - Class Over; call mom or listen to music as I walk home.
5:35 - arrive home, check mail, have a light snack.
6:00 - run on treadmill in workout room.
7:00 - shower & make dinner or reheat leftovers while watching Netflix.
8:00 - start readings due for Thursday or study for an upcoming quiz/exam.
11:15 Bedtime!

And in honor of it being Monday, enjoy 2 free memes for some additional motivation:

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