FriYAY (from DC!)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Greetings, & Happy FriYAY from Washington, DC!  This week has been the biggest whirlwind of the entire summer, which seems fitting because I am writing to you from the desk of my brand new city apartment!  We finally got to the place on Monday morning, which allowed ample time to fill out all the necessary paperwork and inspect the apartment before all of the boxes and pieces of furniture were moved in a couple of hours later.  A bed frame error and internet installation series later, I am all moved in and heading to orientation this afternoon!  There aren't many things that have been "on my radar" this week but here are a few highlights:

If you ever hear me talking about a Pot of questions asked :)

If you're like me & are always looking for new recipes to try...

Does this not just melt your heart???

Did you check out my first exciting excursion this week?

Fall is coming soon & I want to go to as many events like this as I can!

Finally, sweeten up your weekend with one of these sweet treats.

Happy Weekending, & Happy Last Friday of Summer!

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